2014-11-29 Internacional - 8:1
Hojas de ruta
Cumulative Butler
... in team order
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10 mesas, 20 parejas. Número de manos: 10. IMPs across the field. Rank Pareja MP Nombre 1 101 5,28 Karin Schacht - Maria Angelica Prieto 2 205 4,23 Hilda Bahna - Victor Awad 3 105 3,67 Paula Riedel - Lisi Covarrubias 4 202 2,26 Cynthia Rojas - Teresa Vaccarezza 5 303 1,67 Catheline Ramsay - Manuel Romeo 6 102 1,66 Aurelio Suárez - John Plaut 7 203 1,47 Exequiel Ureta - Alicia Bilbao 8 204 1,17 Eric Miletic - Monica Fourcade 9 104 0,83 Marcela Ramirez - Pedro Jaramillo 10 201 0,64 Sofia Schroder - Benjamin Margulis 11 1 -0,64 Mario Beltran - Ana Maria Delgadillo 12 304 -0,83 Patricio Cury - Eduardo Zahr 13 4 -1,17 Vicente Alti - Jorge Veas 14 3 -1,47 Claudio Santoro - Carmen Selanio 15 302 -1,66 Enrique García-Huidobro - Fernando Aguad 16 103 -1,67 Paulina Moreno - Maria Angelica de la Barrera 17 2 -2,26 Mónica Yussem - Odette Yanine 18 305 -3,67 Vivian Awad - Luis Duarte 19 5 -4,23 German Dominguez - Jaime Acevedo 20 301 -5,28 Vincenzo Tisano - Rebeca Edwards ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mano: 11 Mano: 12 Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación 2 202 1S E -1 50 42 -42 105 305 1Px N +1 360 83 -83 104 304 1S E -1 50 42 -42 3 203 3T O -2 100 32 -32 3 203 1S E = -90 6 -6 1 201 1S E -1 50 19 -19 101 301 1S E = -90 6 -6 104 304 3T O -1 50 19 -19 102 302 1S E = -90 6 -6 2 202 2P N -1 -100 -16 16 105 305 1S E = -90 6 -6 103 303 2P N -1 -100 -16 16 5 205 1S E +1 -120 -3 3 102 302 2S E = -120 -25 25 4 204 2C O +1 -140 -11 11 4 204 1S E +2 -150 -32 32 1 201 1S E +2 -150 -11 11 5 205 2S E +1 -150 -32 32 103 303 2Dx S -3 -500 -83 83 101 301 2S E +1 -150 -32 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mano: 13 Mano: 14 Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación 101 301 4Pxx E -4 2200 177 -177 102 302 3S S +1 430 49 -49 1 201 4C E -2 200 28 -28 101 301 3S S = 400 42 -42 102 302 4Cx E -1 200 28 -28 103 303 5D N = 400 42 -42 103 303 4C E -2 200 28 -28 105 305 5D N = 400 42 -42 104 304 4C E -1 100 7 -7 1 201 3Cx E -2 300 19 -19 105 305 3C E -1 100 7 -7 4 204 3D N +2 150 -14 14 2 202 2C E = -110 -28 28 3 203 3D N +1 130 -22 22 4 204 1C E +2 -140 -37 37 5 205 3D N +1 130 -22 22 3 203 4C E = -620 -105 105 104 304 3D N +1 130 -22 22 5 205 4C E = -620 -105 105 2 202 3Tx E = -470 -114 114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mano: 15 Mano: 16 Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación 105 305 3Cx O -4 800 113 -113 4 204 4Px O -1 200 35 -35 2 202 2P S +1 140 7 -7 5 205 4T N = 130 18 -18 102 302 2P S +1 140 7 -7 101 301 3T S +1 130 18 -18 1 201 2P S = 110 -2 2 105 305 3T S +1 130 18 -18 4 204 2P S = 110 -2 2 2 202 3C E -1 100 8 -8 101 301 2P S = 110 -2 2 3 203 4C E -1 100 8 -8 103 303 3D E -2 100 -2 2 103 303 4C E -1 100 8 -8 3 203 3D E -1 50 -19 19 102 302 5T S -1 -50 -29 29 5 205 2P S -1 -100 -50 50 1 201 5Tx S -1 -100 -42 42 104 304 2P S -1 -100 -50 50 104 304 5Tx S -1 -100 -42 42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mano: 17 Mano: 18 Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación 102 302 3Dx E -3 500 43 -43 101 301 3Sx S +1 950 123 -123 1 201 4C N = 420 26 -26 3 203 3S S +1 630 93 -93 3 203 4C N = 420 26 -26 1 201 4P N -1 -100 -13 13 4 204 4P N = 420 26 -26 2 202 3S N -1 -100 -13 13 104 304 4C N = 420 26 -26 102 302 4P N -1 -100 -13 13 105 305 4C N = 420 26 -26 103 303 3S N -1 -100 -13 13 101 301 3S S = 400 18 -18 104 304 3S S -1 -100 -13 13 5 205 3C N = 140 -39 39 105 305 5D N -2 -200 -37 37 2 202 4C N -1 -50 -76 76 4 204 2C N -3 -300 -57 57 103 303 4C N -1 -50 -76 76 5 205 4P N -3 -300 -57 57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mano: 19 Mano: 20 Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación Pareja Contr Rdo Puntuación 101 301 4P O -2 200 89 -89 2 202 3Sx E -1 200 36 -36 102 302 4P O -1 100 72 -72 4 204 3S O -2 200 36 -36 104 304 4P O -1 100 72 -72 101 301 2P O -2 200 36 -36 105 305 Pass 0 61 -61 104 304 3S O -2 200 36 -36 1 201 4P E = -620 -49 49 102 302 2S O -1 100 11 -11 2 202 4P O = -620 -49 49 103 303 3S O -1 100 11 -11 3 203 4P O = -620 -49 49 105 305 2S O -1 100 11 -11 4 204 4P O = -620 -49 49 1 201 1S O = -90 -33 33 5 205 4P O = -620 -49 49 5 205 1S O +1 -120 -42 42 103 303 4P O = -620 -49 49 3 203 4Sx N -2 -500 -102 102
Hojas de ruta
Cumulative Butler
... in team order
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PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) is a universal notation to represent bridge games. It can be used in every bridge program for dealing, bidding, playing, and/or teaching. The notation is suitable for all computer platforms. This file contains the final result and all score tables and deals. Magic Contest can import PBN hand records. There is a PBN home page where you can read more.